Applied Kinesiology

Applied kinesiology is new and progressive direction of medical science and practice, which combined the best traditional and alternative therapies. Kinesiology is the science that studies the movement in all its forms (kinesio - movement, logos - study), mechanisms of movement formation and the reasons of their disorder. Why is movement learning so important? Because movement is life and life is movement.

Applied kinesiology conforms fully to family medicine doctor's requirements. During one visiting, the doctor is checking almost all systems and organs work, is finding a priority problem, selects the optimum scheme of recovery, increasing adaptation body's reserves.
Technique advantages
  • Exactly diagnosis
    It is much better, than laboratory and hardware diagnostic techniques, such as our body is "sharing" the information about the disease before pre-clinical manifestations.
  • Body biofeеdback
    Body biofeеdback allows fast to correct the validity of diagnostics and treatments doctor's conclusions before the treatments beginning.
  • The body's own strength activating
    The body's own strength activating is oriented to corrective actions in self-repaired systems.
  • Curing the whole body
    Curing the whole body, because all inside it is interrelate. Back and join pain, as a rule, are upregulating the innards disorders. For applied kinesiology purposes is the treatment of the musculo-skeletal system diseases without disbalances correction on the side of innards ineffective.
  • The treatment is beginning while diagnostics
    During the first patient's visiting the kinesiologist is harmonizing the muscle work, improving the blood supply in problem organs, starting by this actions body restoration reaction.
  • Individual and pre-dosed approach to the treatment methods selection
    Individual and pre-dosed approach to the treatment methods selection, which is based on the underlying disease understanding and on the individual selection appropriate treatments.
  • Body treatment and recovery due to the natural methods
    Body treatment and recovery due to the natural methods. (herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, homeopathic preparations, acupuncture, Su-Jok therapy, massage therapy, aromatherapy, methods of psychological correction, etc.)
  • There are no contraindications and patient's age restrictions
    This technic can be used for children, pregnant women, elderly people.